August 24, 2016

Fall is quickly approaching and soon it will be winter here in southern Wisconsin. Although you might still be dreaming of savoring one last warm night, it’s actually time to start thinking about how you can prepare for the colder weather.

Winters near Madison are usually extremely cold and snowy, so you shouldn’t expect anything different this year. How can you make sure your home is ready for winter? Air sealing can help you stay comfortable and warm this winter, while helping you save on your energy bills.

What is Air Sealing?

Many tiny cracks, gaps and leaks exist throughout a building, particularly in areas such as attics, basements, and near exterior doors and windows. Air moves heat, moisture and various pollutants with it and these small gaps allow air in and out of your home or building. During the winter, this means that your warm, heated air is filtering out into the freezing outdoors.

To compensate for this air loss, your furnace or heater will have to work harder, which results in higher energy bills. You’ll also experience drafts or rooms that are still too cold, which is the last thing you want to have during the tough Wisconsin winters. Our team can identify air leaks and seal them with adequate air sealing. We’re here to make sure you have a warm, cozy, cost-effective space during the colder months.

The Benefits of Air Sealing Before Winter

Air sealing before the cold weather hits guarantees your home or building several key benefits. The advantages of air sealing include:

  • Improved indoor air quality

  • Reduced possibility of ice dams and the moisture problems and damage they can cause

  • Easier indoor temperature regulation, resulting in increased comfort

  • Reduced strain on your furnace or heater, lower utility costs and decreased chances of needing costly emergency repairs

A-A Exteriors: Getting Your Home Ready for Winter

The team at Accurate-Airtight Exteriors believes that everyone deserves to enjoy true indoor comfort throughout the year. Our building performance specialists have over 70 years of combined experience with improving air barriers in even the most challenging buildings. Get your property ready for winter this year with air sealing from A-A Exteriors.

Stay warm and save this winter with air sealing. Contact us or call (866) 582-4320 today to learn more and to schedule an appointment.

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  • Accurate-Airtight Exteriors more than exceeded our expectations with the air sealing and insulation project they completed for us.

    Mount Pleasant Home, Dubuque, IA